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Saturday, 28 July 2012

Unlocking The Mystery Of Bermuda Triangle....True or Fake

~ The Bermuda Triangle ~

A Triangle Set Within The Sea.

The Bermuda Triangle is a triangular shaped stretch of water in the north western Atlantic Ocean, which lies just off the coast Of Florida. Its three apexes comprise of: Bermuda, Puerto Rico and the last one which lies close to Miami, Florida. Though these points and positions are up to speculation, and the triangle takes a different shape according to some seafarers.

It is between these three points that strange occurrences have been reported for many years. Reports of ships being sunk and aeroplanes being drawn out of the sky into a swirling black hole are amongst some of the stories that have been told.

It certainly does capture the imagination with vivid images of the sea opening up and swallowing these large surface vessels without explanation, and sucking a plane out of the sky is purely a terrifying thought. The Bermuda Triangle has always fascinated me, as I'm sure it has done lots of people before me.

The sea is such an indomitable force which holds such mystery and power that I choose to believe that this stretch of water is indeed a strange and frightening prospect which is entirely unexplained; contrary to the many theories that have been offered, and the probable facts that we are presented with.

The Waters of the Bermuda Triangle.

Devils Triangle

This particular stretch of water lies in one of the most heavily sailed shipping lanes in the world. There are many daily trips to the Caribbeans, Europe and various ports in the Americas. It is also heavy with cruise ship activity, motor, and speed boats. Also it is an extremely busy flight path for both private planes and commercial airlines. So bearing all this is mind, you could compare it with an extremely busy motorway, where statistics prove, there are many more accidents, than there would be on a lesser road.

Also, the waters of the Gulf Stream, once leaving the Gulf of Mexico, flow directly through the Bermuda Triangle, rendering the knots for the region between five and six, giving the water an extremely strong current. When you take which into consideration the strength of the current and the business of the waters, and the harsh weather caused by the hurricane season, these factors would seem to explain how ships could be lost at sea quite easily and with no mystery attached to the fact.

So proportionally speaking, the number of aircraft and ships lost in the Triangle , would not be significantly greater than in any other part of the ocean.

Could it be that before radar and other satellite technology, that the many stories of the Bermuda Triangle have been romanticised throughout the ages to become what they are today; simple myths.

The Mysterious Disappearance of Flight 19.

- Flight 19 -

Flew To Mars!

From the 1950's onwards we began to see articles springing up in the newspapers and periodicals. In 1952 Fate magazine published an article entitled "Sea mystery at our back door".

It goes on to detail the unexplained loss of ships and planes within this expanse of water. One of the stories was about 'Flight 19', in which 5 TBM Avenger bombers were on a training flight, and their flight course went directly over the Bermuda Triangle. This appears to be the first documentation which describes the 'triangular' shape of water.

Flight 19 is probably the most famous witnessed case of loss over the Triangle, and it involved the disappearance of fourteen young American pilots, taking part in Flight 19, shortly after the end of World War two. The enormity of this loss and the mystery surrounding it, brought much heightened attention and publicity to the Bermuda Triangle, as the five bombers disappeared from the sky without a trace.

It was claimed that the flight leader was heard to say on the radio, "We are entering white water, nothing seems right. We don't know where we are, the water is green, no white." At a later board enquiry into the incident Navy officials are stated as saying the planes "Flew off to Mars". Thus creating a supernatural and mystical account of 'Flight 19'. That coupled with the other disappearances of aircraft and ships previously, started the ball rolling on the great interest and awe of the huge mystery surrounding the infamous 'Bermuda, or Devils Triangle'.

An earlier associated case was that of The USS Cyclops carrying 306 crew and passengers and this Proteus-class collier has been associated in myth with the Bermuda Triangle because she too, vanished without a trace! This was in the year 1918, and after leaving port at Bahama, was never seen again, and although not directly proven to be at the point of the Bermuda Triangle in the ocean, the fact that the ship vanished from existence, connected itself by this coincidence.

- The USS Cyclops -

Lost Without A Trace.

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- The Fated Course Of Flight 19 -

Over The Devils Triangle.

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- The UFO Theory -

They Saw a Silver Disc Shaped Object Observing Them.

I think with the explanation earlier of the tumultuous seas, hurricanes, and strong current and whirlpool effect around the Gulf of Mexico, that could explain the loss of ships. But the aeroplanes are another matter. What impact would the sea have upon an air bourne object. Wild weather could cause an aircraft to lose control and nosedive into the sea. But many instances have an unexplained nature about them, and there is much radio evidence from said pilots of planes in danger, sending signals of SOS. The calls for help are alarmingly similar.

Several incidents in different parts of the world are too alike. The pilot is heard to complain of a large silver disc shaped object alongside the plane. Seeming to harass and observe the aircraft.
The next thing that happens is that the radio communication is silenced and there is a cut out to the electro-magnetic power, causing the engine to cease up. The planes would have installed, ELTs, automatic alarms, which are ejected when a plane crashes, and the ELT's then send out an electronis SOS, which leads the rescuers to the scene. But in many instances these have never been found; Gone without a trace! All this just adds weight to the Bermuda Triangle mysterious disappearances.

Over the years the legend and folk lore of the Bermuda triangle has strengthened into supernatural proportions. Some say tales of the Bermuda Triangle have been exaggerated and expanded upon. A perpetuating conundrum which fuels its own fire I think.; a sensationalism of facts. It certainly doesn't do any harm to the brand that is 'The Bermuda Triangle', I know that.

An interesting fact is that the marine insurer Lloyd's of London does not charge extortionate rates for passage through this stretch of water, and it deems The Bermuda Triangle no more hazardous than any other part of the ocean.

- The Continental Shelves -

Methane Hydrates.

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Beneath the surface of the sea on the continiental shelves are huge amounts of methane hydrates which cause bubbling which can decrease the waters density, and this can in fact, be enough to sink a ship.

These methane eruptions (mud volcanos), produce white frothy water, which does not provide the buoyancy required to float a ship. So the ship would sink very quickly and without warning. The sea would create a circle of froth about the ship and take it down. This would explain the vortex or 'black hole' effect that is so often associated with the Bermuda Triangle.

"However, according to a USGS web page, no large releases of gas hydrates are believed to have occurred in the Bermuda Triangle for the past 15,000 years".

There is another theory that the Bimini Road, which lies beneath the Bermuda Triangle is part of the The Lost City Of Atlantis . The Bimini Road is an underwater rock formation near North Bimini island in the Bahamas. It resembles a slab like, wall bricked effect which is naturally formed by reef or beachrock. However, many experts in their field are convinced it is not a natural rock formation, and instead are convinced it is part of the port or paladian built to keep the city of Atlantis safe from siege. Could this be having a negative effect within the sea beneath the Bermuda Triangle?

Also, in the Gulf Of Mexico, the Gulf Stream, an ocean current, runs through the Gulf of Mexico and into the North Atlantic. It is in effect a river within an ocean, fast moving and will carry drifting objects far away quite quickly. So any aircraft lost would soon disappear from sight due to the Gulf Stream. So that could possibly explain why there is never any debris of remains.

All very fascinating things to consider. But in the end there is still no positive and proven conclusion. The sea is so deep and parts of it have never been explored. It is too many fathoms deep for a human to dive. Who knows what the vast oceans hold, what life forms. Maybe one day we'll have the capacity to find out.

~ Conclusion ~

So back to the drawing board once again. Whatever explanation there is for the Bermuda Triangle, it still fascinates and excites me; and until such day that there is concrete proof and explanation, I will still look upon this subject with great interest and awe. Much like the The Lost City Of Atlantis . Both great and unsolved mysteries of the commanding sea.-
I will update you all the next episode of mysteries that happened around our world, insya-Allah.


Aznan Ahmad

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