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Tuesday 10 July 2012

Case Study 2 : Ke Mana Hala Tuju Bangsa Melayu ?? Why Malays Cant In his Own Land ?

is my 2nd case study : Through my observation for all this years, i have been called to reveal some of the reason why still many Malays ( So Sad....) unable to succeed in various fields such as economy, unity, family, career, sports, science, business from selling Roti Himpit near roadside to higher level of biz world. Nevertheless, i found recently some of the' Great Malays' ( GM) has achieved astounding achievements in this country,names like Syed Al-Bulkhairy, Dr Zeti, Dr Muzaffar Shah, & etc has make our country proud of them. I will like to shortlist the main Ones that haunt our success.

1) Our Malays almost forgot to pray and remember Him by Zikrullah to Allah s.wt. We have succumb by all the negative entities surround them from entertainment, Cinta Dunia Melebihi Akhirat, 

2) Our Malays heart  fulled of hatred feelings- Hasad Dengki Medal ( PHD), riak, sombong, bongkak, pantang melihat kesenangan orang lain, maka bermulalah episod berjumpa bomoh Siam, etc untuk menghancurkan Bangsa sendiri. 

3) Malas, TakPa, Rezeki Secupak Tak Akan Jadi Segantang, Nanti Dululah, Syok Sendiri ATTITUDE. This is 100 % recipe for those who think can succeed  on this way.

4) We dont have a primary role model leader to show the right way to Heaven, we have fantasized with K-pop culture,non-uplifted Indonesian Movies, all kinds of funny comedy shows that makes us including myself becoming more demoralised on daily basis.

5)Foods- Other races during breakfast eating healthy foods but we and our childrens eating all the roti canai, nasi lemak, teh tarik. Compared to us, they are eating wholemale loaf, conflakes with milks. Adding some more in some remote area, they are eating the ikan keli, budu, belacan, etc that makes our health become more worse. Our brain dont have enough supplements for our neurons to grow.

The rest * u Fikirlah Sendiri * See u all on next episode !

Hopefully enjoy this motivation videos !!

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