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Thursday 13 September 2012


How Music Affects the Brain and How You Can Use It to Your Advantage

Music can often make or break a day. It can change your mood, amp you up for exercise, and help you recover from injury. But how does it work exactly, and how can you use it to your advantage?
Photo by JT Theriot.
Recently, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffordsused music therapy to help her learn to talk again. The still unproven theory revolves around the idea that music is represented in multiple parts of the brain and therefore accesses deeper pathways between neurons. Music then helps patients connect the stored knowledge of words through songs and helps create the new connections needed for speech. This same idea has been used for stroke victims in the past, and has been referred to as the Kenny Rogers Effect.
You don't need to have suffer from brain damage to get the benefits though, lets take a look at how music affects the brain in a more casual sense, and how you can use it to enhance your day-to-day.

Recall Memories

How Music Affects the Brain and How You Can Use It to Your AdvantageYou might remember reports back in the 1990s that said that studying while listening to Mozart increases the likelihood of performing well on a test, but that has been disproven in some studies, and in turn, studies have shown some music has a negative affect on fact retention if you're studying numbers or lists. Still, performing music has been proven to increase memory and language skills, but for listeners, it's better used as a means to recall memories. It has been shown in Alzheimer's patients to help with memory recall, and even restore cognitive function. It works for Alzheimer's patients in the same way it works in everyone else.
When you listen to music you know, it stimulates the hippocampus, which handles long-term storage in the brain. Doing so can also bring out relevant memories you made while listening to a particular song. So, even though the Mozart-effect has essentially been disproven, the idea that forming a new memory with music, and then using the same music again later to recall the memory still appears to be a sound idea. If you're having trouble remembering something, you might have better luck if you play the same music you were listening to when you first made the thought.
Photo by David Mican.

Boost Your Immune System

How Music Affects the Brain and How You Can Use It to Your AdvantageThe idea that listening to music can boost your immune system might sound a little crazy on the surface, but the science backs it up. Soothing music is known to decrease stress, and when it does that, it decreases the level of the stress hormone cortisol. It's not just soothing music though, even upbeat dance music is known to increase the level of antibodies in your system. Dr. Ronny Enk, who lead the recent research about music's effect on the immune system suggests, "We think the pleasant state that can be induced by music leads to special physiological changes which eventually lead to stress reduction or direct immune enhancement."
Now the cold season has set in, it's a good idea to keep this in mind throughout the day. If you're feeling stressed out or if you're starting to feel ill, listening to music might be the extra help you need to stay well. If you're having trouble finding something soothing to listen to, our collection of work sounds are a good place to start. If you prefer the upbeat method, any fast and upbeat dance song will do the trick.
Photo by sunshinecity.

Enhance Your Exercising

As we've previously covered, music has a positive effect on exercising. In a recent study, researchers found a positive correlation between fast paced music and exercise. While it's nothing too surprising, music works to increase exercising strength by distracting attention and pushing the heart and muscles to work at a faster pace. Not much is known about how or why it works, but it's thought it eases exercise.
The best music to listen to is between 120-140 beats per minute, which also happens to be the standard tempo for upbeat dance music, meaning you'll be increasing your immune system and helping you exercise at the same time.

Keep Yourself from Choking Under Pressure

How Music Affects the Brain and How You Can Use It to Your AdvantageWe've heard before that humming a tune decreases anxiety and the same goes toprevent choking. In a study of basketball players who were prone to failing at the free throw line, researchers found they could improve the player's percentage if they first listened to catchy, upbeat music. Listening to the Monty Python song, "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life," caused the basketball players to lose focus and execute their free throws with minimal involvement from the prefrontal cortex.
If you're prone to getting anxious, worried, or choking in meetings or presentations, throwing on a humorous, light-hearted song before you go in might help distract your brain enough to keep you from failing. The above mentioned "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life," is a great example, but we're sure tracks from the likes of Jonathan Coulton, They Might Be Giants, Weird Al Yankovic, or any other comedy focused song will work just as well.
Photo by Ludie Cochran.

Fight Fatigue and Increase Productivity

The effect of using music to increase productivity is still inconclusive, even though a few studies were done on the subject. Regardless, it certainly doesn't hurt, and it seems the best option might be to use music without words so it doesn't have affect the language parts of your brain. The theory is similar to the exercise one above, faster music might keep you and your brain working hard.
That said, if you have a monotonous job, music is a great way to increase your mood while performing boring work. For the same reasoning it helps with exercising, it can also help with fighting fatigue, especially if you change up the music often. Studies have also shown that almost all music increases your mood, because it causes a release of dopamine, so if you're feeling tired, bored, or depressed, a good pop song might be the cure you need.

Music is a motivator and a great means to keep yourself in your good mood, and while a number of the effects are still unproven, listening to music certainly doesn't hurt. Do you have a particular song that always puts you in a good or productive mood?

Thursday 23 August 2012

Global Thinkers: Rahsia Kalimah Bismillah..

Global Thinkers: Rahsia Kalimah Bismillah..: Rahsia Kalimah Bismillah KELEBIHAN AYAT BISMILLAH Lafaz: Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim Diantara rahsia khasiatnya: Dibacakan Bismillah pa...

Rahsia Kalimah Bismillah..

Rahsia Kalimah Bismillah


Lafaz: Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim
Diantara rahsia khasiatnya:
Dibacakan Bismillah pada telinga orang yang pengsan sebanyak 41 kali,
insya’allah akan sedar dan kembali siuman.

Supaya cepat hajatnya dikabulkan Allah,
bacalah Bismillah dengan menghadap kiblat sehingga matahari terbenam
selepas solat asar dalam keadaan bersih, suci dari hadas dan najis.
Kemudian, mohonlah pada Allah hajatnya.

Insya’allah segera dikabulkan Allah dengan kemurahan sifat Rahman dan Rahim-Nya.
Agar sentiasa dilapangkan dan mudah urusan rezkinya serta disegani dimuliakan oleh makhluk,

perbanyakkan membaca Bismillah sebanyak 66 kali dengan memanjangkan lafaz jalalahnya dan membaca doa: ‘Ya Allah, bukakanlah bagiku pintu rahmatmu dan kurniamu serta rezkimu. Curahkanlah keatasku perasaan redha kepadamu dan bertakwa kepadamu.Mudahkanlah bagiku untuk memperoleh rezkimu dan sekalian makhlukmu, sesungguhnya engkau berkuasa ke atas setiap sesuatu’.

Mengamalkan membaca Bismillah ketika hendak tidur sebanyak 21 kali nescaya aman dan bebas dari syaitan, kecurian, maut mengejut dan bala bencana.
Membaca Bismillah ketika hendak menyetubuhi isterinya, kelak anaknya menjadi orang yang cerdas dan terbuka hati sehingga menjadi anak yang soleh.

Membaca Bismillah pada hari Ahad disaat matahari terbit dengan menghadap kiblat sebanyak 313 kali dan selawat ke atas Nabi Muhammad sebanyak 100 kali, Allah menganugerahkan rezki padanya tanpa diduga sama sekali.
Sabda Nabi Muhammad S.A.W: ‘Bahawa sesuatu perbuatan yang baik tanpa dimulai dengan Bismillah maka ia akan terputus dari rahmat Allah S.W.T’
Dalam riwayat yang lain Nabi Muhammad S.A.W bersabda: ‘Tiada seorang hamba yang mengucapkan Bismillah kecuali Allah memerintahkan malaikat yang bertugas mencatat amal manusia untuk mencatat dalam buku amalannya 400 kebaikan’

Oleh yang demikian marilah kita berlumba-lumba mengejar rahmat Allah yang luas dengan memperbanyakkan bacaan Bismillah dalam setiap amalan kehidupan harian kita. Wallahualam.

Thursday 2 August 2012


Kita selalu mendengar kisahnya Nabi Allah Adam AS.Dan kita juga terlalu tahu tentang kejadiannya manusia itu adalah dari tanah. 
Tetapi apakah kita tahu akan tanahnya itu? Apakah kita tahu akan prosesnya kejadian itu? Mari kita baca kupasan yang sedikit ini, mudah-mudahan kita lebih mengetahui tentangnya dan Insyaallah dapatlah kita mempelajarinya bersama-sama. 
Berpesan-pesanlah pada kebaikan dan berpesan-pesanlah pada kesabaran.(Al-A'ssr) 
"Betapa payahnya malaikat-malaikat meminta tanah dari bumi untuk menjadikan nabi Adam A.S (Abul Basyar/Bapa segala manusia)". 
Pada suatu ketika, Allah SWT menitahkan kepada malaikat Jibril supaya turun ke bumi untuk mengambil sebahagian tanahnya untuk mencipta Adam. Akan tetapi apabila beliau sampai ke bumi, bumi enggan membenarkan tanahnya diambil untuk dijadikan Adam kerana bumi khuatir Adam akan melakukan kemungkaran kepada Allah S.W.T.. Lalu Jibril kembali ke hadhirat Allah S.W.T. memberitahu bahawa ia tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa apabila mendengar mendengar sumpah bumi. 
Setelah itu, Allah S.W.T. memerintah malaikat Mikail. Jawapan bumi masih sama lalu Allah memerintahkan malaikat Israfil dan jawapan bumi masih tidak berganjak. Masing-masing kembali dengan jawapan yang hampa. 
Akhirnya, Allah S.W.T. menyuruh malaikat Izrail turun ke bumi. Firman Allah S.W.T.: "Hai Izrail! Engkaulah kini yang aku tugaskan mengambil tanah. Meskipun bumi bersumpah-sumpah dengan ucapan, jangan engkau mundur. Katakan bahawa kerjamu atas perintah dan atas namaKu." 
Apabila Izrail turun ke bumi dan menyampaikan perintah Allah S.W.T. kepada bumi, maka akhirnya bumi mengizinkan tanahnya diambil. Setelah Izrail mengambil beberapa jenis tanah,kembalilah ia ke hadrat Allah S.W.T. 

Lalu Allah S.W.T. berfirman: "Ya Izrail, pertama engkau yang Ku tugaskan mengambil tanah, dan kemudian di belakang hari kelak akan kutugaskan engkau mencabut roh manusia." 
Maka khuatirlah Izrail kerana bimbang akan dibenci oleh umat manusia. Lalu Allah S.W.T. berfirman lagi: "Tidak, mereka tidak akan memusuhi kamu. Aku yang mengaturnya, dan Aku jadikan kematian mereka itu bersebab antaranya terbunuh, terbakar, sakit dan sebagainya." 
Jenis tanah yang digunakan:
1. Tanah tempat bakal berdirinya Baitul Muqaddis
2. Tanah Bukit Tursina
3. Tanah Iraq
4. Tanah Eden
5. Tanah Al-Kautsar
6. Tanah tempat bakal berdirinya Baitullah
7. Tanah Paris
8. Tanah Khurasan
9. Tanah(Babylon)
10.Tanah India
11.Tanah syurga
12.Tanah Tha'if
Menurut Ibnu Abbas:-
1. Kepala Adam dari tanah Baitul-Muqaddis kerana di situlah berada otak manusia, dan di situlah tempatnya akal.
2. Telinganya dari tanah Bukit Thursina, kerana dia alat pendengar dan tempat menerima nasihat.
3. Dahinya dari tanah Iraq,kerana disitu tempat sujud kepada.
4. Mukanya dari tanah Aden, kerana di situ tempat berhias dan tempat kecantikan.
5. Matanya dari tanah telaga Al-Kautsar,tempat menarik perhatian.
6. Giginya dari tanah Al-Kautsar,tempat memanis-manis.
7. Tangan kanannya dari tanah Kaabah,untuk mencari nafkah dan kerjasama, sesama manusia.
8. Tangan kirinya dari tanah Paris, tempat beristinjak.
9. Perutnya dari tanah Babylon. Di situlah tempat seks(berahi) dan tipudaya syaitan untuk menjerumuskan manusia ke lembah dosa.
10. Tulangnya dari tanah Bukit Thursina, alat peneguh tubuh manusia.
11. Dua kakinya dari tanah India, tempat berdiri dan jalan.
12. Hatinya dari tanah syurga Firdaus,kerana di situlah iman,keyakinan,ilmu, kemahuan dan sebagainya.
13.Lidahnya dari tanah Tha'if, tempat mengucap Syahadat,bersyukur dan berdoakan kepada Tuhan.

Proses kejadiannya:
1. Ketika Allah S.W.T. jadikan Adam,tanah itu dicampur dengan air tawar, air masin, air hanyir, angin dan api. Kemudian Allah resapkan Nur(cahaya) kebenaran dalam diri Adam dengan berbagai macam "sifat".
2. Lalu tubuh Adam itu digenggam dengan genggaman "Jabarut" kemudian diletakkan di dalam "Alam Malakut".
3. Sesungguhnya tanah yang akan dijadikan "tubuh Adam" adalah tanah pilihan. Maka sebelum dijadikan patung, tanah itu dicampurkan dengan rempah-rempah dan wangi-wangian dari sifat Nur sifat Allah, dan dirasmikan dengan air hujan "Barul Uluhiyah".
4. Kemudian tubuh itu dibenamkan didalam air "Kudral-Izzah-Nya" iaitu sifat "Jalan dan Jammal". Lalu terciptalah tubuh Adam yang sempurna.
5. Demikian pula roh,ketika itu diperintah masuk kedalam tubuh Adam, ia merasa malas dan enggan, lalu ia berputar-putar, mengelilingi patung Adam yang terlantar. Kemudian Allah S.W.T. menyuruh malaikat Izrail untuk memaksa roh itu masuk. Akhirnya mahu tidak mahu roh itupun masuk dan menyerah kepada Izrail.
Menurut riwayat ketika Nabi Allah Adam a.s. masih berada di syurga, sangat baik sekali kulitnya. Tidak seperti warna kulit manusia. Kerana Nabi Allah Adam a.s. telah diturunkan ke dunia, terjadilah perubahan pada warna kulitnya. Sebagai pengetahuan, yang masih tertinggal warnanya hanyalah pada kuku manusia. Oleh itu, meskipun orang kulitnya hitam, tetapi warna kukunya adalah sama, ialah putih kemerah-merahan. 

Dijadikan pada tubuh Nabi Allah Adam a.s. ada sembilan rongga atau liang. Tujuh buah liang di kepala,dan dua buah liang di bawah badan letaknya.
Tujuh buah letaknya adalah :
1. Di Kepala ialad Dua liang mata, Dua liang telinga, Dua liang hidung dan sebuah liang mulut.
2. Di bawah ialah Sebuah liang kemaluan dan liang dubur.
Dijadikan pula lima pancaindera:
A. Mata alat penglihatan
B. Hidung alat penciuman
C. Telinga alat pendengaran
D. Mulut alat merasa manis, masin dan sebagainya.
E. Anggota tubuh lainya seperti kulit, telapak tangan, untuk merasa halus, kasar dan sebagainya.
Setelah Roh masuk kedalam tubuh Adam, lalu roh itu masuk perlahan-lahan sehingga ke kepalanya yang mengambil masa 200 tahun. 

Demikianlah Allah S.W.T. memberi kekuatan pada Izrail untuk memasukkan roh ke dalam tubuh Adam. Setelah roh meresap ke kepala Adam, maka terjadilah otak dan tersusunlah urat-urat sarafnya dengan sempurna. Kemudian terjadilah matanya dan seketika itu matanya terus terbuka melihat dan melirik ke kiri, ke kanan dan ke bawah di mana pada masa itu bahagian badannya masih merupakan tanah keras. Dilihatnya kiri dan kanan para malaikat yang sedang menyaksikan kejadian dia. Ketika itu dia telah dapat mendengar para malaikat mengucapkan tasbih dengan suara yang merdu dan mengasyikkan. Kemudian ketika roh sampai ke hidungnya lalu ia bersin, serta mulutnya terbuka. Ketika itulah Allah S.W.T. ajarkan padanya ucapan 'Alhamdulillah' Itulah ucapan Adam pertama kalinya ke hadhirat Allah S.W.T. Lalu Allah berkata Yarhamukallah" yang membawa erti: "Semoga engkau diberi rahmat Allah". Oleh kerana itu jika seseorang itu bersin, menjadi sunat mengucap "Alhamdulillah" dan orang yang mendengarnya disunatkan pula mengucapkan "Yarhamukallah". Kemudian ketika roh sampai pada dadanya, tiba-tiba saja ia mahu bangun. Padahal sebahagian bawah badannya masih tanah dan keras. Disini menunjukkan sifat manusia yang suka tergesa-gesa (tidak sabar). Sebagaimana firman Allah SWT bermaksud:
"Dan adalah manusia itu suka tergesa-gesa".(Al-Israk:II) 

Maka ketika roh itu sampai dibahagian perutnya, maka terjadilah susunan isi perut dengan sempurna. Maka seketika itu terasalah lapar. Kemudian terus roh itu meresap sampai ke seluruh tubuh, tangan, kaki lalu terjadi darah daging dan tulang. Urat-urat berkulit dengan sempurna, yang mana kulit itu kian lama kian cantik dan halus.
Begitulah proses kejadian-kejadian tubuh Adam. Setelah kejadian Adam sempurna sebagai manusia, maka dialah merupakan makhluk manusia yang pertama. Wajahnya cukup cantik, semua malaikat berasa kagum melihat Adam yang begitu menawan. Kemudian Adam diarak oleh malaikat-malaikat selama 100 tahun lalu diperkenalkan kepada seluruh penghuni dari langit pertama hinggalah ke langit tujuh sebelum dibawa ke Syurga tempat mula-mula Adam dijadikan.

Berdasarkan Al-Qur'an dan Hadis, kajian sains telah menunjukkan bahawa elemen tanah pada tubuh manusia terdiri daripada :
1) Karbon
2) Oksigen
3) Hidrogen
4) Fosforus
5) Sulfur
6) Azote
7) Kalsium
8) Pottasium
9) Sodium
10) Klorat
11) Magnesium
12) Ferum
13) Manganese
14) Kuprum
15) Iodin
16) Klorin
17) Kobalt
18) Zink
19) Silicon
20) Alumunium
Kandungan kimia manusia pula terdiri daripada :
1) Oksigen 45,000 gram
2) Hidrogen 8,000 gram
3) Kalsium 1,000 gram
4) Kabrit 175 gram
5) Sodium 105 gram
6) Magnesium 35 gram
7) Kuprum 0.1 gram
8) Karbon 12,000 gram
9) Azote (nitrogen) 2,000 gram
10) Fosforus 140 gram
11) Klorin 105 gram
12) Ferum (besi) 4 gram
13) Iodin 0.03 gram
14) Manganese 0.02 gram

Maka sama-samalah kita renungi akan hakikat kejadian kita sebagai manusia di bumi Allah ini sebagai hamba yang kerdil di sisi-Nya bukan sebagai khalifah yang sombong dan bongkak tanpa segan silu melanggar perintah-Nya.


Aznan Ahmad

Wednesday 1 August 2012


Area 51

Literally thousands of government employees are sworn to secrecy at the base called Area 51. Why? It is known for a fact that many USA aircraft are designed and tested there, and for national security reasons, these state-of-the-art planes and weapons demand secrecy. But is that the only reason for the veil? Many think not. Many reports have come from this clandestine site of reverse-engineering of UFOs, test flying UFOs from other worlds, and development of our own designs based on craft captured from other galaxies.The employees who work under the cloak of mystery are flown to the base in an unmarked Boeing 737 to perform their duties. For years even our own government denied it's existence until Soviet pictures confirmed what many knew all along. The base did exist. The facility was originally designed for the testing of U-2 spy planes, and ultimately Stealth technology would be born there. The secret site has grown to many times it's original size. The USAF took over command of Area 51, and it's airspace in 1970. The facility is usually referred to as Dreamland.
This mysterious fortress and its surrounding grounds are strictly off-limits. What secrets are kept inside this highly guarded facility ? The rumors abound. Yes, there have been pictures of craft doing amazing maneuvers over these guarded skies, and pictures and video smuggled from inside. These smuggled articles show living and dead aliens, spacecraft of futuristic design, but still the government denies these claims. What will be revealed to us next? High-tech security measures guard her secrets for now.
Area 51 Timeline

April, 1955: Groom Lake is chosen as a test site for the U-2.July, 1955: Area 51 is finished, and the first U-2 was shipped on July 23.
June 20, 1958: 38,400 acres are withdrawn to create a security perimeter.
November, 1958: An A-12 is shipped to Area 51.
January, 1962: Existing restricted airspace is expanded.
1965: The base population reaches over 1800.
November, 1977: The F117 prototype is shipped to Area 51.
May, 1981: The first production of the F117 is airlifted to Area 51.
1984: Nearly 89,000 acres of land is seized to push the border of restricted land far from the base.
July 17, 1988: A soviet spy satellite takes a photo of Area 51 which is released "Popular Science," and other publications.
April 10, 1995: Freedom Ridge and WhiteSides peak are taken from public access.

AREA 51 Lawsuit

During the 70's and 80's the workers at Area 51 were exposed to Jet Fuel toxins like JP7. Supposedly old computer parts were also burned in trenches. The workers were ordered to go into the trenches and mix up the material and were only allowed to wear protection up to their waist. Helen Frost, whose husband Robert died in 1988 from the fumes, filed a lawsuit against the government in 1996 but the case was dismissed by the judge because the government could neither confirm nor deny the allegations, and it was also stated that the base is exempt from any environmental laws. President Bush recently resigned the Executive Order exempting the base from these restrictions.Below are some pictures you might enjoy.

Air Force Response on Area 51

The Air Force has acknowledged the existence of the Nellis Range Complex near the Groom Dry Lake for many years now. There are a variety of activities, some of which are classified, throughout the complex. The range is used for the testing of technologies and systems training for operations critical to the effectiveness of U.S. military forces and the security of the United States. Some specific activities and operations conducted on the Nellis Range, both past and present, remain CLASSIFIED and cannot be discussed.

Area 51 News Update, September 18, 2002Bush reissues order keeping Nevada site secret
By Alex Johnson
Sept. 18 — For more than four decades, an unusual alliance of mainstream lawyers, conspiracy theorists and UFO enthusiasts has tried to find out just what is going on at Groom Lake, Nev. — the top-security Air Force facility better known to fans of “The X-Files” as Area 51. Now they will have to wait at least another year after President Bush reissued an executive order Wednesday barring the disclosure of any information about the site.According to one popular theory, the government studies alien spaceships at Area 51, where it keeps captured unidentified flying objects stored in underground bases and conducts autopsies on aliens.
IN THE CONTINUATION of a drama played out every Sept. 18 since 1995, Bush signed the order to make sure that lawyers pursuing hazardous-waste claims against the Environmental Protection Agency could not get their hands on classified information about the site, which lies in the middle of a remote stretch of desert 100 miles north of Las Vegas.
The government did not even acknowledge the existence of the site until the mid-1990s, when it had to begin responding to workers’ claims of injuries resulting from hazardous waste practices.
Even now, all the Air Force will say is that the area is used “for the testing of technologies and systems training for operations critical to the effectiveness of U.S. military forces and the security of the United States.” It insists that “specific activities and operations ... both past and present, remain classified and cannot be discussed.”
Although exasperated government lawyers say nothing nefarious is going on at Groom Lake, they have gone to herculean lengths to make sure no one knows what is going on at Groom Lake. President Dwight Eisenhower began the process all the way back in 1955, when he issued an executive order restricting airspace over the site. Then, in 1995, President Bill Clinton raised the stakes by issuing an order clamping down on discussion or release of any information whatsoever.
That was about the time attorneys for former government workers began taking their rejected medical claims to court. Those lawyers believe the government is trying to keep the site secret to avoid having to admit it mishandled hazardous materials, exposing the workers to toxic fumes when it allegedly dumped poisonous resins into open pits and burned them in the 1970s and ’80s.
There is another group, however, that thinks something else entirely is going on at Groom Lake — something spooky, something otherworldly. To this group, the site is known as Area 51, the nexus of the greatest government cover-up in history. It is, they say, where the government studies alien spaceships, where it keeps captured unidentified flying objects stored in underground bases, and where it conducts autopsies on aliens.
Writers for “The X-Files” were able to dredge up numerous scripts from stories that have built up since May 1989, when a physicist named Bob Lazar told a Las Vegas television station about nine alien flying saucers he said were being held near Groom Lake by a rogue agency of the federal government.
Lazar claimed that the government was studying the propulsion system of the spacecraft, which were flown to Earth from the Zeta Reticuli star system. According to Lazar, the Reticulans have been overseeing human evolution for a hundred centuries, and since they were found out, they have been cooperating with the U.S. government on a direct exchange of technology.
The government, to the extent that it has commented at all, says Lazar’s account is utter nonsense. More prosaically, mainstream scientists suggest, the government simply wishes to limit its liability as it establishes the Nevada Test Site at nearby Yucca Mountain as a storage repository for hazardous nuclear waste. Those alleging an extraterrestrial conspiracy say instead that Yucca Mountain was chosen precisely so federal researchers could have unfettered access to its stored nuclear energy sources via a secret underground tunnel.
In any event, the government has argued that it cannot say anything about Area 51, and it has fought workers’ lawyers zealously in court to keep government documents about the site sealed. One of those lawyers, Jonathan Turley of George Washington University, described the courtroom jousting with federal lawyers as “otherworldly.” And every year since Clinton issued his executive order in 1995

Saturday 28 July 2012

Unlocking The Mystery Of Bermuda Triangle....True or Fake

~ The Bermuda Triangle ~

A Triangle Set Within The Sea.

The Bermuda Triangle is a triangular shaped stretch of water in the north western Atlantic Ocean, which lies just off the coast Of Florida. Its three apexes comprise of: Bermuda, Puerto Rico and the last one which lies close to Miami, Florida. Though these points and positions are up to speculation, and the triangle takes a different shape according to some seafarers.

It is between these three points that strange occurrences have been reported for many years. Reports of ships being sunk and aeroplanes being drawn out of the sky into a swirling black hole are amongst some of the stories that have been told.

It certainly does capture the imagination with vivid images of the sea opening up and swallowing these large surface vessels without explanation, and sucking a plane out of the sky is purely a terrifying thought. The Bermuda Triangle has always fascinated me, as I'm sure it has done lots of people before me.

The sea is such an indomitable force which holds such mystery and power that I choose to believe that this stretch of water is indeed a strange and frightening prospect which is entirely unexplained; contrary to the many theories that have been offered, and the probable facts that we are presented with.

The Waters of the Bermuda Triangle.

Devils Triangle

This particular stretch of water lies in one of the most heavily sailed shipping lanes in the world. There are many daily trips to the Caribbeans, Europe and various ports in the Americas. It is also heavy with cruise ship activity, motor, and speed boats. Also it is an extremely busy flight path for both private planes and commercial airlines. So bearing all this is mind, you could compare it with an extremely busy motorway, where statistics prove, there are many more accidents, than there would be on a lesser road.

Also, the waters of the Gulf Stream, once leaving the Gulf of Mexico, flow directly through the Bermuda Triangle, rendering the knots for the region between five and six, giving the water an extremely strong current. When you take which into consideration the strength of the current and the business of the waters, and the harsh weather caused by the hurricane season, these factors would seem to explain how ships could be lost at sea quite easily and with no mystery attached to the fact.

So proportionally speaking, the number of aircraft and ships lost in the Triangle , would not be significantly greater than in any other part of the ocean.

Could it be that before radar and other satellite technology, that the many stories of the Bermuda Triangle have been romanticised throughout the ages to become what they are today; simple myths.

The Mysterious Disappearance of Flight 19.

- Flight 19 -

Flew To Mars!

From the 1950's onwards we began to see articles springing up in the newspapers and periodicals. In 1952 Fate magazine published an article entitled "Sea mystery at our back door".

It goes on to detail the unexplained loss of ships and planes within this expanse of water. One of the stories was about 'Flight 19', in which 5 TBM Avenger bombers were on a training flight, and their flight course went directly over the Bermuda Triangle. This appears to be the first documentation which describes the 'triangular' shape of water.

Flight 19 is probably the most famous witnessed case of loss over the Triangle, and it involved the disappearance of fourteen young American pilots, taking part in Flight 19, shortly after the end of World War two. The enormity of this loss and the mystery surrounding it, brought much heightened attention and publicity to the Bermuda Triangle, as the five bombers disappeared from the sky without a trace.

It was claimed that the flight leader was heard to say on the radio, "We are entering white water, nothing seems right. We don't know where we are, the water is green, no white." At a later board enquiry into the incident Navy officials are stated as saying the planes "Flew off to Mars". Thus creating a supernatural and mystical account of 'Flight 19'. That coupled with the other disappearances of aircraft and ships previously, started the ball rolling on the great interest and awe of the huge mystery surrounding the infamous 'Bermuda, or Devils Triangle'.

An earlier associated case was that of The USS Cyclops carrying 306 crew and passengers and this Proteus-class collier has been associated in myth with the Bermuda Triangle because she too, vanished without a trace! This was in the year 1918, and after leaving port at Bahama, was never seen again, and although not directly proven to be at the point of the Bermuda Triangle in the ocean, the fact that the ship vanished from existence, connected itself by this coincidence.

- The USS Cyclops -

Lost Without A Trace.

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- The Fated Course Of Flight 19 -

Over The Devils Triangle.

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- The UFO Theory -

They Saw a Silver Disc Shaped Object Observing Them.

I think with the explanation earlier of the tumultuous seas, hurricanes, and strong current and whirlpool effect around the Gulf of Mexico, that could explain the loss of ships. But the aeroplanes are another matter. What impact would the sea have upon an air bourne object. Wild weather could cause an aircraft to lose control and nosedive into the sea. But many instances have an unexplained nature about them, and there is much radio evidence from said pilots of planes in danger, sending signals of SOS. The calls for help are alarmingly similar.

Several incidents in different parts of the world are too alike. The pilot is heard to complain of a large silver disc shaped object alongside the plane. Seeming to harass and observe the aircraft.
The next thing that happens is that the radio communication is silenced and there is a cut out to the electro-magnetic power, causing the engine to cease up. The planes would have installed, ELTs, automatic alarms, which are ejected when a plane crashes, and the ELT's then send out an electronis SOS, which leads the rescuers to the scene. But in many instances these have never been found; Gone without a trace! All this just adds weight to the Bermuda Triangle mysterious disappearances.

Over the years the legend and folk lore of the Bermuda triangle has strengthened into supernatural proportions. Some say tales of the Bermuda Triangle have been exaggerated and expanded upon. A perpetuating conundrum which fuels its own fire I think.; a sensationalism of facts. It certainly doesn't do any harm to the brand that is 'The Bermuda Triangle', I know that.

An interesting fact is that the marine insurer Lloyd's of London does not charge extortionate rates for passage through this stretch of water, and it deems The Bermuda Triangle no more hazardous than any other part of the ocean.

- The Continental Shelves -

Methane Hydrates.

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Beneath the surface of the sea on the continiental shelves are huge amounts of methane hydrates which cause bubbling which can decrease the waters density, and this can in fact, be enough to sink a ship.

These methane eruptions (mud volcanos), produce white frothy water, which does not provide the buoyancy required to float a ship. So the ship would sink very quickly and without warning. The sea would create a circle of froth about the ship and take it down. This would explain the vortex or 'black hole' effect that is so often associated with the Bermuda Triangle.

"However, according to a USGS web page, no large releases of gas hydrates are believed to have occurred in the Bermuda Triangle for the past 15,000 years".

There is another theory that the Bimini Road, which lies beneath the Bermuda Triangle is part of the The Lost City Of Atlantis . The Bimini Road is an underwater rock formation near North Bimini island in the Bahamas. It resembles a slab like, wall bricked effect which is naturally formed by reef or beachrock. However, many experts in their field are convinced it is not a natural rock formation, and instead are convinced it is part of the port or paladian built to keep the city of Atlantis safe from siege. Could this be having a negative effect within the sea beneath the Bermuda Triangle?

Also, in the Gulf Of Mexico, the Gulf Stream, an ocean current, runs through the Gulf of Mexico and into the North Atlantic. It is in effect a river within an ocean, fast moving and will carry drifting objects far away quite quickly. So any aircraft lost would soon disappear from sight due to the Gulf Stream. So that could possibly explain why there is never any debris of remains.

All very fascinating things to consider. But in the end there is still no positive and proven conclusion. The sea is so deep and parts of it have never been explored. It is too many fathoms deep for a human to dive. Who knows what the vast oceans hold, what life forms. Maybe one day we'll have the capacity to find out.

~ Conclusion ~

So back to the drawing board once again. Whatever explanation there is for the Bermuda Triangle, it still fascinates and excites me; and until such day that there is concrete proof and explanation, I will still look upon this subject with great interest and awe. Much like the The Lost City Of Atlantis . Both great and unsolved mysteries of the commanding sea.-
I will update you all the next episode of mysteries that happened around our world, insya-Allah.


Aznan Ahmad